Monday, January 23, 2012

Superbowl sunday

OK, so despite my team not being in the game let alone the playoffs (The Jets), and not picking either of the teams who are in it, I am still excited for super bowl Sunday.  The festivities, the game, the friends, and THE FOOOOOD!  Yes the food, and I know that is the first thing Diabetics around the country are thinking about.  How do I eat like my friends, but not have ridiculous blood sugars.

First, a big trick to a successful Superbowl is exercising in the morning, or early afternoon before you watch the game.  It gives your metabolism a kick start and allows your blood sugars to run lower throughout the day, thus allowing you to eat more.  For me, I like to do an Insanity workout in the morning in order to be prepared for the intense amount of food.

Second, save yourself for the main meal.  The chips and dips are great, but can really throw a wrinkle into successfully eating the large meal right before game time.  Minimize your chip intake and wait for the pizza, wings, Italian wedges, or any other phenomenal foods you should eat only once per year.

Third, in my opinion, if you run a little higher with your blood sugar than normal, so what.  Enjoy yourself because for a full year, you eat right and monitor your blood sugar.  You are allowed to live like a normal person and eat freely.

So enjoy the game, be safe, and on Monday its back to the normal life of eating right and keeping stable blood sugars.

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