Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Roll With the Punches

Diabetes is as much a mental game as it is physical.  The ability to handle any situation that arises with a calm state of mind is key to managing any disease let alone diabetes.  The key theme in this message is "Roll with the punches."  There are numerous challenges that a type one diabetic faces on a daily basis, whether it be: managing your blood sugars when sick, exercising without going low, making sure your blood sugar is stable to eat with your friends, a pump occlusion, and then those just inexplicable blood sugar fluctuations.

The important thing to remember is always staying positive, and not let these things bother you.  These conflicts can be very frustrating and the thoughts of why me can creep into your mind.  By rolling with the punches, and know you can conquer  any challenge Diabetes presents, you can live a normal life.  I also have found that the state of mind of not letting things bother me, has crept into other aspects of my life and has ultimately made me a better person.  I know it sounds corny, but If you can always look at the glass half full and keep things in perspective, you will be a happier person and ultimately live a normal life with diabetes.

Control your Diabetes, don't let it Control you.

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